At the beginning of this year the annoucement of Durban for Christ was made by Pastor Le Roux and what seemed to be vague at the time has no grown to a phenomenon. I thought to myself, here we go again anothe SDA(Seventh-Day Adventist) programme, that will probably have another old man talk about the coming of christ or the love the God has for use and for some sort of reason I just lacked interest in getting involved. 

Let's Get Started
I believe it truly began on wednesday 22/04/2009 when Pastor Alden Ho began with a youth talk about getting involved in church and we shouldnt be mistaken about being the SDA church. Uncle John called me and said "Im on my way so better ready cause Alden Ho is having a youth talk at the Pinetown church" and I said "Im done already just waiting for you." The excitement gripped me to the point that I forgot to bring a Bible, notepad and a pen, stupid I know!!!! So anyway I got into Uncle John's car when he arrived and then I asked "Has Alden arrived?" and Aunty Jenny answered "He's sitting right in front of you, my darling!!!!" as her and Gennivve broke into laughter and Uncle John proceed to introduce me and said"Hi, how are you?" with embrassment peaking through my voice. Not phased by my mistake a conversation began about the church and the hate mail he recieved from Helderberg( that the headquarters of the SDA-South African Division and is also the college where you study for degree with Biblical studies as well). We then proceed with a discussion about American politics and the SDA Division there in the States.
The Talk
I have never anyone assure me of being in the correct church or let alone say its okay to have doubts and correct them. It was the first time I have ever a pastor say something like that. He also said there is much work to be done and the needs us the youth to get involved so forget those old people who hold offices in church and majority of the time they look like this" Either they are white haired, grey and thin haired or no haired." Funny LOL
He continued his campaign through to thursday and launched on Friday. His first sermon, seminar or series whatever you want to call began with the theme of Matthew 25 v 1-5 which talked about the Virgins that had oil in their lamps and the Virgins that were foolish and didnt have oil in their lamps and missed the bridegrooms arrival. All this happened at the Westridge stadium.
Now ther is soooooooo much to write that once it is complete I will complete this segment in life and proceed to share with the world.